Katie Holmes Is The Nicest Actress Out There: Maternal Instinct?

Katie Holmes may have gotten a lot of flack for seemingly changing and conforming when she married Tom Cruise–sometimes even being called a robot–but it looks like there are still people out there who see the good in this mom.

The director of The Extra Man, Shari Springer Berman, recently told People that Katie Holmes was one of the nicest people on set, constantly brightening up the day for the cast and crew. “Katie Holmes is so much fun and really down to earth,” Berman said. “She brought cookies for everybody on the set one day. And they were the best cookies I ever had.”Berman insisted this is something that only happens with the really nice actors–and Holmes is one of them.

Holmes’ costar Paul Dano, also noted her kind ways. “She’s probably one of the sweetest, kindest people I’ve ever met,” Dano said.

Bringing cookies to the set, encouraging others, doling out kindness all-around–sounds like traits to a good, old-fashioned mother. Think Holmes’ experience raising daughter Suri has helped mold her into this sweet person? One thing she will admit–Suri and Cruise both affect her in a positive way. “Every day my husband inspires me, my family…my daughter,” she said.

It’s good to see Holmes is bringing that maternal instinct with here wherever she goes.

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