Sasikumar's much awaited directorial film 'Easan' will be hit the screens on December 17th. The film doesn't have any hero or heroine and it will have 15 characters include Vaibhav, Samudrakani, Abhinaya, debutante Aparna, Mahanadhi Tulasi, Niranjan and Nammo Narayana and all the characters have more importance.
Music has scored by James Vasanthan. The songs of the film was released recently and its make sum wave now.
And the film need to face Kamal's 'Manmadhan Ambu' which has also slated to hit the screens on the same day.
Music has scored by James Vasanthan. The songs of the film was released recently and its make sum wave now.
And the film need to face Kamal's 'Manmadhan Ambu' which has also slated to hit the screens on the same day.
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