Miranda Kerr pregnant for whole life

The Bloom couple is very pleased with the pregnancy of Miranda Kerr. It is expected for the delivery of the child in January next year. Miranda Kerr is overwhelmed at the lump of her tummy and wishes to keep a memory of it by coming up with the solution to make “bronze mold” in the style of the baby lump. She admitted at an interview that “One could actually order for a lump of bronze which a woman could keep it on forever and that was the means to preserve the memory.” Moreover, it was identified that Miranda is enjoying her early motherhood period. “She is loving the time of pregnancy a lot. Her happiness knows no bound. Miranda considers herself to be fortunate to be experiencing such a wonderful time of life. She is adoring her pregnancy!” The Australian beauty, Miranda Kerr, married the star of the renowned Hollywood movie Pirates of the Caribbean at a private beach ceremony in July (the year not mentioned). Miranda reckons that the affectionate character of their marriage made the day more extraordinary. “It was marvelous with the islands and the Caribbean around them. The air was full of romance and no one around there. It was a memorable day in her life”, she said.

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